Wednesday 14 May 2014

Branding - Creating a poster for the show.

First of all over easter break we had to come with with individual branding for the show and create a poster so this is what I came up with.

The show is called dots per inch, so I thought obviously dots should be the theme, so I made them the complete focal point of the poster, I created a background of low opacity grey dots and created a mask and made the word DPI out of the dots but in the bright red colour. I used a fun simplistic, playful font for the text on the poster. I wanted to have a simple dots theme. I see a lot of simple clean themes for posters nowadays and I think its really effective thing to do. Making the dates big and having the social feed in a lot of space creates readability.

Meeting with the Press Release

At lunch time today, Me, Gina and Liam met up with Zara Baker who works for the press release to talk about getting our show out in the news. It was a very helpful experience, Zara basically asked "When, where, who" so she could get some details face to face to get a more in depth conversation for details.

We told her the dates of the show, where the show was and who we are aiming to come to the show. And she told us she will try and get us in every possible local newspaper she can. And also said she will try get flyers out in Brighton which would be extremely helpful. She said she will try and get a photographer down to the show for post news stuff. So hopefully this means nice photos of all of us and our work with a nice amount of people there with a good review of the show if everything goes well, this would be very good for getting a good name so potential employers in the future can see and gives a good prep for when we have show again next year when all of us are BA students.

Zara got our social media details for the twitter and Facebook page and her social media team will follow it and promote it through their sussex downs twitter and facebook page which is very helpful too.

Crazily, Zara had worked for Latest TV, she asked if we had worked for any companies, so we said yeah Latest TV was one of our live clients and she said she had worked there for 8 years. She asked me what I had done and I said I worked with a guy called Andrew Kay and created a tv sequence for the food show and she said she had seen one of my first mock ups as she worked with him. Which is just such a weird coincidence...

Monday 12 May 2014

End of year show preparation

So for our last brief of the year, we as a class have to work together to organise the final year show which presents some of work in a museum manner. I will be working mainly as part of the social media team, which means concentrating on the Facebook and Twitter page. Then creating personal business cards/postcards to promote my contact. I also have to create a website/show reel/brochure which showcases my work on this course, I will probably use Tumblr to do this as it is a nice and easy way to showcase in a visually organised design.