Friday 6 June 2014

Business card proof

Today I received my business cards, the quality of them isn't great. Even though i done them to the correct size at 300 dpi. But they'll have to do.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


Copyright is a form of protection on a type of property. This includes designs, music, videos, books etc. There are laws in which the original creator of the work has the rights of the use of the work created. If others copy, distribute or modify the work then this frauds the legal use of the copyright law unless permitted by the creator to do so.
A person can obtain clearance from which an agreement is made with the original copyright owner to use their work in a way that is agreed. Clearance from music for example for a TV company want to use a soundtrack, they would have to obtain clearance from the artist of that sound piece.

My personal view on copyright is that it should only be viewed as infringing if your deliberately taking someone else's creation and try to label it as yours. I feel if its for non marketing reasons e.g. youtube then it should be okay, the law is very inconsistent in which peoples videos on youtube get taken down for infringing copyright but the majority don't, its annoying when videos get taken down cause of some footage what isn't yours or music what isn't yours but its only a fun video which won't disturb the creators economy at all.

Short summary of contribution to the show

  • Being in every group discussion
  • 100% attendance to every lesson
  • Designing a poster for the show
  • Voicing opinions
  • Meeting with the press release
  • Getting a personal reference in magazines and promos
  • Part of organising times to go before the show to help setup
  • Helping others with opinions on designs, such as posters and logos made by Jess
  • Frequently using the social media pages
  • Tweeting
  • Facebook page
  • Created the designs for the Facebook page
  • Created the designs for the Twitter page
  • Paid money into the show
  • Submitting work for the show on time without problems
  • Always in active meetings in class discussions with the BA's too.
  • Helping with the alcohol

Promoting the show + A mention in the BN1 magazine!!!!

A while ago I had a meeting with the press release woman about getting the show in the press. I have had a check and in the BN1 magazine, dots per inch show has an article in there.

In the description I get a personal mention about my work experience with latest TV which is so great!

'Students include Glen, who completed work experience at Latest TV, helping to design the opening titles to Andrew Kay’s cookery show, The International Chef Exchange. Dots Per Inch features a combination of modern, sleek graphics and more classic art styles. Students hope to enter the digital media workplace, with interests ranging from filmmaking and trailers to graphic design and music videos.'

Its really good to get a shoutout for self promotion.

The show is also on the sussex downs website, in which my shout out is on there too, wahoo.

Work submitted for the show

The work I wanted most for print was my YCN animal fur textured posters. So I put all 4 of them in an A1 spread.

My second choice for print was book cover from the first year.

The two movs i submitted are my speeches trailer and the promo for my alcohol app.

Curriculum vitae

For my CV I wanted to design something considerably nice, so I looked up some existing designers CV's for some inspiration and came across these:

I looked through many more on pinterest
and came across lots and lots of nice looking layouts. A lot of the CV's had an 'Objective' section in which contains a personal objective in life. So I wanted to use this in mine. I also saw a lot of sections where people would rate their skills in certain software, normally out of 5. I thought this looked cool and would be useful for employees as they can clearly see how good with the software you are by putting how good you think you are with it out of 5.

Creating my CV I wanted to keep a similar style to my business card so I would have a consistent theme and art style... so I used the black background with the light floral pattern on it again, with a smart looking font.

I spent a good amount of time making it look professional, and having appropriate content. Overall I'm quite please with how its come out as. I used the basic title font for my name and the rest of the text is a font called 'Lane'. I think it matches my business card quite nicely too.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Business card

Before I  created my business card I wanted to look at what other designers have for their business card as inspiration. I found a lot of very nice ones off google images. A lot of them had nice colourful and playful designs and a lot were slick, clean, proffesional designs. I want to go for a professional looking design with an art style similar to what I design when I created graphics.

I have created my business card:

I wanted to have a professional and classy theme. Thus why I used black and white, a simplistic layout with simplistic elements to it. I used the font 'Basic title font' for the text on the front. I used this because it obviously looks slick and professional, I like how fine it is, It stands out a lot and is easy to read. I created the lines and the stars to add some dynamics to the look, Ive come across the lines and stars before when I have created graphics for team logos for competitive gamers. I got a picture of a floral background and embedded it into the background, lowering the opacity so it wasn't too interruptive with the text in front of it.

For the back design, I only wanted simply my contact details nothing else. Simplicity the key to it. I grabbed all the social media logos off google images and colour corrected them to white to keep my consistent theme. I looked at lots of professional fonts and decided to use the font 'TFPiron'