Tuesday 25 March 2014


To conclude this project, I think it was good to be working with a real client to get a sense of the real world but I really didn't like my brief at all which is a shame. What I got asked to do wasn't exciting at all, I didn't have a lot of choice what I could do so I had to ask my client to change the brief a bit so I could actually do something a bit more exciting and dynamic. The logo I got given was horrendous, but I guess it was good that my brief could have the chance to use a camera and 3D space, which I wanted to do for the first time.

If I had to rate my clients communication rating out of 10 I would give him a solid 7. At the start of the project I got no communication for about a week which I was very annoying, but it wasn't his fault as he was filming in Amsterdam. After the week after hounding him and another member from latest TV I finally got communication, frequent communication.  He would reply to me within 5 minutes a lot of the time giving me live feedback so that was really good. He gave me very, very nice feedback about what I had done for him as the final product which is relieving and very satisfying.

I enjoyed creating my graphics, for the first time I used a graphics tablet to digital paint my illustrations. It was really fun doing this and it is something I want to do more of. Creating the animation was alright, it is just a shame how a bit limited it was.

If I could do things again differently I would probably redesign the egg logo just so I could have a final product that has much better designed work in so it doesn't look like that is my work. I use to create loads of logos before this degree so it is something I would very much enjoy to do anyway.

Evidence of communication | Final feedback!

So this is the last of the communication with Andrew for this project. As the e-mail shows, Andrew is really pleased with it and has invited me to a launch screening which is really good, and even is asking me how I would like to be credited at the end of the programme!

Feedback | Crit

So from showing my work to the class, I got one bit of feedback what could potentially improve my work. That was adding a shadow of the graphics orbiting around the egg. Im not sure if I want to do this because the graphics are travelling over the egg to reveal elements of the logo. If there is a shadow swell just below it, the revealing will look distracted, not as focused. And besides my client really loves what I have done how it is so I think I am going to leave it as it is.

Monday 24 March 2014

Project logging | Motion Graphic Development

Refining the Egg + 3D

I masked the egg to get a much smoother egg, the egg I got given had a horrible shadow underneath it, I wanted a shadow on the floor so it gives the 'earth egg' a more realistic look as if it was floating in space. I put a camera on it and put everything 3D which enables me to orbit my graphics around it.

To get the graphics orbiting round the egg I had to parent them to a null object and change the values on the axis in 3D space so it goes round in a circle, I used easy ease in and easy ease out so the graphics go a bit slower when going behind, to make it a bit more realistic. 

To reveal the lines I used the linear wipe effect, and i key framed it so it obviously matched when the graphics were travelling over.

To get the word 'exchange' to follow the plane like a banner I simple copied the null object of the plane and parented the text to it then i created a clipping mask so it could only come in from the area in the clipping mask.

For the smoke coming out the train, it was made from the particular effect, in which i manipulated to look like realistic stem coming out the chimney bit. 

All graphics have a fast blur on them when going round the corners to look more realistic again. The text that says Chef, is blurred whilst having smoke on top of it which then reveals to clean text.

Project logging | Graphic development


I made the graphics by drawing over a image and tweaking it a little bit of a real toy, using the pen tool in illustrator.

I used a black stoke to make it stand out more, as the graphics are small its important to make them as clear as possible. I shaded in each section of the train manually, changing the opacity of a blurred round brush and gently shading around to make it look more visually nice.

I used the same process for all three graphics.

Evidence of communication | Putting the continents on the egg

I received the egg with continents on which Andrew done himself. To be honest its not the best bit of photoshop work but as well as the red text on top, its content they want so even though i don't like it I have to deal with it. I really think the red colour, font choice and positioning of the text is awful. The continent work isn't brilliantly done either.

I have finished the last proposals Andrew wanted and have given him the file on dropbox. Here is evidence of our dropbox folder.

I am just waiting for Andrew to view so he can e-mail thoughts.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Evidence of communication | Changing the background feedback

I changed the background of white to the gradient blue and it seemed perfect to his proposal. I asked whether he wanted anything else, I explained that 40 seconds is way too much time for what he wanted.

Personally I really don't like it, I feel the white background is much better. It brings the egg out more, and creates more focus to the egg. But obviously you have to design to the clients liking.

This obviously shows Andrew was happy with the background change. And is happy to have space at the end so he can put some stuff in it himself.

There was problems with him receiving the egg files. So I gave them to him on dropbox.

Evidence of communication | Animation feedback

I emailed my first completed draft of my animation and I showed Andrew this via dropbox. Here is the log of e-mails which gives me feedback too.

So once again very positive feedback. Surprisingly, he said he is sad he cannot see the continents that were on the original egg. When there wasn't any continents on there in the first place. I used the exact logo he sent me. Other than that, he wanted me to change the white background to a blue gradated blue.

I confronted Andrew about not receiving any egg with continents on, he replies asking me to send him the egg plain cause he wants to put the missing content on it. He seemed very happy with the work though which is pleasing. 'And i really do love it, i think you have done a brilliant job'.

Evidence of communication | Graphics feedback

After knowing Andrew wanted 'vintage' look, I drew up some vintage styled car, train and plane and showed them to Andrew to get his feedback.

So good positive feedback again, he states he wanted the train to say ICEx instead of GWR, so I made the change and e-mailed him the graphic with the change...

So knowing all my graphics are okay I can now go into after effects and start creating a animation knowing all my content is okay, which is a good feeling.

Evidence of communication with client | Animatic feedback

First of all before i started creating a load of graphics and animation. I drew out a story board and created an animatic, which I sent to Andrew to see what he thought. 

I had to compress the quality and size of the animatic so I could fit the 25MB limit of file size into an e-mail. 

...So the quality isn't exactly the best in the world, but it was enough for andrew to understand what was going on.

Here are some more screen shots of mine and andrews communication

This clearly shows positive feedback of the proposal. I am now comfortable to stat making the graphics.

Chef logo to design around

Andrew sent me the attachments of the egg logo and music.

So this is the egg which I have to create objects to orbit around. 
At this point which was the 24/02/2014 I had a brief and some files to start creating some stuff.

Monday 10 March 2014

Proposal | Themes

I have created a storyboard in my sketchbook of what I want to propose. Ive received the logo and music piece from Andrew so my design work has to fit in with the already are style of the logo and the pace and animation has to fit with the piece of music I have been given.

The logo is a real image of an egg with basic red text on top of it, so there is a sense of realism there. So my graphics will have to look realistic of the real thing. So my main theme will be realistic in terms of art style. The music sounds really calm and holiday like. The pace is varied of slow and fast, so my orbiting pace of the elements won't be too slow and won't be too fast. The music is quite cheerful. (Personally I hate the music).

I want the movement of the elements at the right pace, fluently orbiting with the music.

Keywords for my themes would be:

  • Realistic
  • Fluent
  • Cheerful
  • Smooth
  • Global

Saturday 1 March 2014

Art style | Research

James White

As everyone knows how good James Whites work is, I wanted to do digital painting with a tablet for my graphics and as you can see in his work its digital painted with all sorts of different textures. I hope to emulate some of the textures he uses into my own graphics I have to make. Learning how to use a graphic tablet will be fun and very useful too, so I am pleased I am going to do this.