Tuesday 21 May 2013

Feedback Critique

After critting my iBook to the class I got some nice and positive feedback.

When projecting my iBook from the iPad, on the projector screen the iBook was very different to what it looked like on the iPad. My backgrounds where not showing due to how brighter the projector makes screens i didnt realise this. So George and everyone thought I had white backgrounds which was my first feedback saying it looked too clean having white background, I realised then the screen wasnt showing my backgrounds so i showed George and class my iBook from the iPad and George took back everything he said and gave purely positive comments. The comments I got from what I can remember was people saying they really liked the animations, the font, the grainy sunburst backgrounds. My world map page was some peoples strong points about my iBook.

The feedback I got what I could improve was George saying I needed some sort of video library, I agreed it needed it as earthquakes is a dramatic natural disaster. Some of the videos are very fascinating too which i'm definitely going to include in my iBook in chapter 3 the outcome section.

My website is unfinished due to an error I had in my code, one of my media queries wasnt responding to the css. I have no got this problem fixed due to some help with George. My layouts, breakpoints and home page was all finished though. All I need to do now is finish off the other pages.  

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