Saturday 25 January 2014

Feedback | Pitch

Preparing for pitch I thought I was organised and knew what what i was going to talk about. I had a strong understanding of the concept and direction I wanted to do. From this pitch went well, my presentation I was told was very well structured. I showed how I took key points from the brief and used them to design an idea to them. I thought I presented my concept well, everyone knew what I exactly wanted to do and what my idea is going to look like visually. The only negative thing I got back was that there was no mock up. Due to the time I didn't produce any mock up. I tried to make up for it by demonstrating what I wanted to make by pointing onto the background image and saying what it is going to look like.

Things to take on board

The only thing what was debatable was the font. Only due to its thickness, the inspiration poster I showed what I was going to follow had a much thicker font for the animal texture, the font I have chosen is quite fine. Considering this, I might pick the thicker font from my shortlist.

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