Sunday 24 February 2013


I have finished the trailer, to conclude it I am very happy with the final piece. After applying the changes I got from feedback It has made a nice and improved difference to the trailer. Overall when comparing this to my proposal and answering the brief I think personally I have done a really good job and response.

Answering the brief; the brief specifically stated 'neither are you trying to film literal interpretations of what is being said' I think my trailer portrays this strongly, I avoided any kind of literal interpretations but instead related to what is being said to what was going on in the times of Kennedy's era in america whilst it is making sense to the speech. For example at the start of the speech he talks about generation so I relate the quote to americas generation which was a young generation. So having the opening scene of a baby being kissed by a mum shows that theme it also shows the theme of emotion which I wanted to propose in my video. Another example of how I didn't literal interpretations but related the speech to times in american was when Kennedy talks about trading places with people of other generations, I used scenes from to kill a mocking bird which at the times was the top selling book in america. I used the court scene where a black person is convicted of rape, the victim who is white is pretty much proven by a white lawyer who supports the civil rights just like Kennedy that she is the guilty one but the black buy still loses the trial. Showing this scene symbolises the discrimination what was going on in those times and relates to the support Kennedy had of the civl rights movements. I think you could look at every clip I put in and it would have a message relating to the times in america but not in such a literal way.

The brief also stated 'give the viewer a flavour of the political/social circumstances' well as I said above every clip related to the times in Kennedy's era and portrayed the meaning of the speech. I broke the speech down into inspiration and processed this theme into symbolising it with emotional clips, using the Vietnam war which was a very long frustrated war for america which Kennedy wanted an end too I thought was a powerful way of exploiting my proposed themes. Fighting for your country supports the message of the speech, Kennedy wanted american to unite, work together to keep the country strong. Showing solders fighting for the country is deep and powerful to show this, it shows their risking their life's for the country which I feel is a strong way of portraying the theme of inspiration.

My editing in the trailer I am content with and I think is effective of conveying my theme as much as possible, I used a lot of fade effects, slowing down clips in final cut to make them look dramatic and epic to exploit emotion to the viewer. I also wanted to make the trailer build up momentum of emotion which I feel I have done. I ended the trailer on a much stronger ending to what it original was, the ending of the church with the cross grave stone silhouettes over laying a series of clips of fast pace soldiers shooting guns and going into battle is powerful for emotion. The gravestone crosses obviously symbolises death which relates to a potential outcome of the soldiers and symbolises their sacrifice for the country which links to the speech of 'ask not what your country can do for you' 'ask what you can do for your country' which for me is inspiring and I have portrayed the most important part of the speech with a very powerful inspirational clip with strong meanings.

Concluding the project as a whole I am happy with everything, my sketchbook idea generation, story board and the process of making the trailer was fun and I got into it strongly. I am very happy with what I produced.

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