Monday 10 February 2014

Evaluation | Summary of this project

I thought the Oasis brief was pretty open as there wasn't much restriction in the way we could make a poster of any art style and in any direction but sticking to suiting it for a high end females clothing store. There is a nice amount of different potential approaches that could of been used for this brief. I am happy that I chose this brief. I haven't done much design work focusing on typography so I am glad I challenged something new, I could of picked something like the Bear brief which is basic graphic design of children's imagery which isn't anything new to me.

I very much enjoyed this project, it was fun creating the posters in photoshop as it a programme I enjoy designing in. I am pleased with what I have produced. I feel my designs answer the Oasis brief. Oasis wanted stated that:

'Stay true to our brand and appeal to the Oasis girl. You are free to bring your messages to life as you see fit. You may just wish to write them down in words, or to go to greater lengths to bring them to life visually using design and illustration. First and foremost we are looking for strong written messaging, but if you have ideas for how your messages can look visually, then we'd love to see them too.'

I focused my designs mainly on the phrase 'bring your messages to life' as I took the phrase literal and actually created typography to life metaphorically with real animals fur. I carefully analysed the brief and picked out keywords which I can focus on and design to match the keywords. The keywords I gathered from the brief were: Stylish, Unique, Feminine, Engaging, Surprising and Delighting. I feel my designs match every single one of these keywords. They are stylish in the way each fur text has its own unique attributes of texture, pattern and colour. The lighting around the background creates style. They are unique as Ive never seen a fur textured typography poster anywhere, each poster has its own animal theme. The animal theme is feminine; a lot of Oasis' clothes print is animal print. They are engaging as the alliteration technique of messaging gives a nice reading effect to the reader. The posters I think are nice to look at. I think they are very mud surprising due to the fact its developing static typography into alive textured typography in a related background environment. Delighting is portrayed by how visually rich the posters are, they are very much readable as well as being image based.

I also think the consistency in the posters makes the posters very much more strong and effective. Everything is very much positioned in the same places throughout. I have displayed Oasis' branding logo big, readable and bold which expresses the importance and dominance of labelling what the posters belong to. 

Personally I think the most effective part of the posters is how eye catching they are and how I have portrayed the focal point in being the animal text, the careful dark shading and glow lighting around the text makes them stand out and emphasise the main importance. 

The problems I encountered were making the posters readable, I had to play around with lighting and brushing around the text to make them stand out, considering colour and contrast. I manage to get through the obstacles by changing sharpness of lighting, opacity of glows, shadows and intensity of parts.

Overall I am happy with my work, also happy with how my PDF looks. We have been told how important it is that the PDF is designed well so it is carefully looked at.  I feel my PDF has a nice layout, big pictures to clearly see and that I have conveyed my concept well. I am content with everything in this project.

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