Friday 9 November 2012


This is my finished design of my poster. After making the adjustments which got suggested after crit I feel this has improved my poster and I am happy with the final outcome.

Adding a gradient to the cream sun burst has definitely made the poster looked better, it gave a better contrast to the woman's skin colour so i didn't have to tone the skin colour down. I decided to leave the lines in because i personally like them, it gives more emphasis on leading the eye to the focal point and without them it just looks too bare in that space. I added a radial gradient to the star in the middle just to make it look more like the star is on her clothes, and so it mirrors the sun burst gradient in the background. The strokes have been taken out; I feel the poster conveys the propaganda style without them much better and reflects the style in which I have chosen stronger as soviet propaganda didn't use strokes a lot it was purely construcivsm when the poster is using strong edged blocky designs like I have done.

This was my poster before crit:

Comparing the two you can easily tell my final outcome is much better after the improvements, losing the strokes, adding gradient just makes it more pleasing to the eye.

My poster answers the brief which was 'design a poster in the style of propaganda from 1900-1950's promoting an aspect of social media'. My poster is in a soviet style applied to the woman of britain poster of 1941, the aspect I chose was following of twitter. I feel my poster conveys this very well. The twitter birds flocking around the woman are the focal point which is emphasised by the contrast of the light blue on the dark red and cream sunburst which directs your eye to the woman and twitter birds. The twitter birds surround the woman which gives that aspect of following. My text of 'come follow me on twitter' is strong, the use of 'come' reflects the original poster of 'come into the factories' so it is important it is there. The text shows how obvious my aspect is as well by using the word follow too. So  overall I feel this meets the brief well.

I think I have done the soviet style effectively, If you looked at that you could immediately tell its from the soviet era by the strong colours, the serious facial expression the woman is giving, the eyes looking more to the right giving that posing effect which was used in soviet propaganda a lot and the clothes the woman is wearing.

A summary of the project as a whole has really helped me as a designer and I have enjoyed the whole project. I had never used illustrator before this project but now I think it is a great program to use for designing but I still prefer photoshop. Turning artwork what was made in the early 1900's and using that art style in a modern design has helped me in my designing career, I have learned different techniques and styles from researching various posters and artists which could give me ideas in the future of designing. I enjoyed my process of creating my design as using the sketchbook for ideas which I have never done before really did help in choosing my final idea, the wide spread of differentials of ideas I gradually grew on to give me my final design. The feedback from crit really helped me because without it I probably wouldn't of thought of the ideas they came up with to help improve my design.

Overall I am very happy with my final outcome and the process it took to get to it, I have learned various illustrator skills, my researching is growing more in depth which is helping me more as a designer. I enjoyed this project and I am looking forward to next one.

Things I would do next time differently 

My sketch book I feel could of had more in it, I have learned that the more design process with pencil and paper before starting to create it on the design software makes life easier when designing, it creates less problems because experimenting on the design software takes much more time than drawing it out before hand. Next time I will experiment more in the sketchbook which will create less questionable elements to my designs in the future.

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