Friday 23 November 2012


For my heading I want it to fit the theme of spookyness, it has to be readable and striking as the brief says. Here are some type faces I have found up which I will chose from for the heading.

I think this one is too over the top for spooky, it will make the book look like a horror genre book when its not.

This one I like because of the emphasised parts of the letters, I would remove the curly pattern on each side though if i used this one.

This one I like a lot, the curly parts look like floral which suits my forest background design, the serif of it symbolises that the book is an old story and it looks quite spooky at the same time.

I really like this font cause of how edgy it looks, it goes well with the spooky forest and looks old which again shows the story is old.

This font has good potential but I'm not keen at all on the slight italic style to it.

This font is nice and curvy but I think it it is a bit too square.

I like this font, it is thorny looking which suits the forest theme of the book cover, the serif on this font is nicely emphasized into a curvy flick which looks like branches of a tree.

This font is very wiggly and spooky, I think its too over the top for me on the emphasis.

The font I have decided to use for the heading is the Narnia font. I shortlisted my decision to 4 fonts then type them all out on illustrator to have a proper in depth review and I chose Narnia because I think it fits my theme perfectly, it looks spooky, its not too over the top. The serif is nicely emphasised not too much and not too little.

I like how it is all in caps too, which relates to the brief of adding a more striking element to the book cover.

Now for my body text such as the blurb, ' Kenneth Grahame' and 'Introduced by Brian Jacques'.

From looking at existing Wind and the Willows book covers, the other text on the book is normally similar to the main heading but a little more formal. Here are a list of potential fonts what I will chose from.

This type face I think relates to the Narnia font, it has that nice emphasis on the serif as well. I like the different in widths on the x and y bases. The only problem is that the text is all in caps so I don't think it could work as body text.

This type is nice, it is easily readable, the serif again matches the Narnia font. The different in widths on the letters again makes me like this font.

This font I really like, the serif is really pointy what suits the theme really well. It is readable, goes well with the pointy Narnia font. Definite favourite.

I really like this font cause of the style, it looks old and neat at the same time. I think the serifs are better on the other fonts though.

This type is nice, but the serif is too square and thick. I prefer the pointy serif to fit more with the theme.

This type really fits the bill too, the serif is smoothy emphasised to my satisfaction, its pointy and spooky looking, theres no different in widths on the letters which downfalls compared to the parmapetit font.

This font matches everything I want as well, its going to be hard to chose between this one, parmapetit and chartrand.

I have shortlisted the fonts down to these three, this is what they look like with some text to have a more in depth look.



Looking at these, I think Parmapetit is the font I am going to use. I really like the emphasis on curves and serif which made me make the decision on this font, it relates well to the Narnia font. It goes well with the spooky theme and relation to an old book.

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