Monday 12 November 2012

Start of new Project AF101 Penguin book cover design

Start of the next project, we have been asked to design a book cover for the penguin competition. We have an option to design for either the adult book or children's book which are The Big Sleep or Wind In The Willows.

What I must produce

  • PDF of book cover
  • A2 Poster advertising re-lauch of the book
  • Sketchbook & blog of evidence of research and designs
  • Written statement of 500-100 words describing how the design i have created fits the cmpeition brief and in particular what you were trying to communicate through your image, typography and layout etc.
  • Produce branding guideline for book cover made in InDesign

  • 3rd December is pitch
  • 7th January is crit
  • 11th Jan is final submission 


Design a book cover following a supplied competition brief (The Penguin Design Award)Then adapt this design into an A2 Poster, advertising the re-launch of the book.

Following the requirements of the competition brief you should aim to design a striking cover design that is well executed, has an imaginative concept, an original interpretation of the brief, a strong use of typography and clearly places the book for its market. While all elements of the jacket need to work together as a cohesive whole, remember that the front cover must be effective on its own and be 
eye-catching within a crowded bookshop setting and on screen for digital retailers such as Amazon.

You should go through a thorough, continuous process of research and experimental preparatory work before settling on a final image this process should be evidenced in your sketchbooks and your blog.

Finished Designs

The image/s you create will need to be art-worked into a book cover design, to include the title, all supplied copy, logos and barcode. Therefore you will be required to use InDesign to add the editorial requirements listed in the competition brief.Work for entry into the competition must be supplied in the following format: PDF, 300dpi, CMYK, 5mm bleed, Ideally colour managed to ISO Coated 39 or ISO Uncoated 29 (optional), Trim and crop marks to be included, Max file size = 5mb.You are also asked to supply working files for marking purposes (not to be uploaded for the competition)

We also require you to adapt your design into an A2 poster for marketing and promotion. Format = PDF.You are required to produce a ‘Branding Guideline’ for the book cover and poster. This will also be laid out in InDesign and saved out for submission as a PDF.

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