Monday 5 November 2012

Feedback from crit

After criting this, the feedback I received was very uncertain to be honest. The class wasnt sure about the red lines going up to the t and hashtag. People suggested maybe take them out, maybe make the lines thicker so I think i will just experiment with them till i am most satisfied. I like them as they are to be honest so we shall see on that one.

Another point was the strokes on the sun burst and her hands, someone said to get rid of them, i wasnt keen on this idea cause i like the strokes, it gives it a more strong and bold look but for sure i will take them out and see what they look like. The skin colour of her face and hands needs to be paler one of my class mates suggested and I agree on that.

The angles of the boxes the t and hashtag need to be altered to make it a more symmetrical angle, so i am thinking of making the lines at 180 degree angle on top and the sides more at a tilt so they are more in proportion.

The colours are all fine, the font and font colour and composition are all fine and people liked that.

Someone suggested maybe adding texture on the cream, so I might experiment with this to see if it looks better but im not too keen as I don't want to come off the style i'm mirroring. Someone said to add a gradient like the one on the red sunburst which I want to do, I think the poster will look much better with this added gradient.

The twitter birds; a class mate said by putting some behind her instead of all in front of her will make it look more like they are flocking around her not just on her which i thought was a great idea and i will do this.

More on the skin, a class mate suggested making the woman's skin colour more paler so it doesn't clash direct with the cream background as they are the same colour.

A lot of the class agreed to get rid of the strokes on the hands, I also agree. Im also going to get rid of the strokes on my poster as a whole, I feel having strokes on some parts but not all will look funny and unbalanced. I have already shown the class my poster in a version with strokes and without (day after crit), and the majority said it looked better without strokes.

This was all the feedback I got, so as a whole theres no major changes I need to do really. I

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