Sunday 27 January 2013

What I want my trailer to portray

After researching the speech, what part of the speech I want to use. This has given me my interpretations of what I feel from the speech. For me it is inspirational, so that is why I am going to focus on this aspect for my trailer.

I want the trailer to be inspirational, that means my choice of music and clips have to fit this theme.

I want my trailer to be short, epic and actually build up a good momentum of tension to a good ending. After seeing some of last years students work, most of them had a poor ending to a good build up which is disappointing.

Also my trailer, I want to reflect what was happening in the times in america when Kennedy was in charge which is the 1960s, so I want my video to be all black and white. I want to involve a clip from the film of to kill a mocking bird because one, it was the most popular and famous book at the time and secondally conveys the civil rights movement which was also going on at the time and Kennedy supported it. I want to include clips from the Vietnam war too, to provide inspiration and refrence again to the 1960s. I think showing clips from the war expresses emotion, and relates to the speech which  have brainstormed up in my sketchbook, breaking down the speech into segments.

I have a nice overall feel of what I want my trailer to portray and feel, now I need to conduct some research into what music piece I want to include, also I need to spend good time picking out clips. I will conduct some small research onto existing kinetic text videos aswell because it will help me when creating my kinetic text, I know which parts im doing in my trailer what are having kinetic text, how approach this will need research.

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