Friday 25 January 2013

AF105 Time Based Media

The Brief

Our next project we have been introduced to is Moments in Time - speeches. Which is creating a tv trailer for a new radio 4 programme called 'Moments in time - Speeches'. Which is about a selection of famous speeches from the 20th century.

We have been told that the trailer should be just over a minute, shorter the better. (5 Second leeway in each direction)

The trailer will be a short film about the speech I have chosen, combining the speech with film footage, images, text and graphics.

Things not to do

  • avoid using original footage
  • film literal interpretations of what is being said in the speech
Things to do
  • use footage what demonstrate a flavour of what the political/social circumstances of the period in time when the speech was made
  • feature text elements to emphasise words spoken in the speech (kinetic)
  • use music and can use sound effects
What I need to produce in this project:
  • Storybaords illustrating the trailer in images, with a timeline aswell.
  • Sketchbook with research to visualisation of concepts

28th January - Pitch idea
11th February - Crit final trailer
15th February - Final submission

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