Wednesday 30 January 2013

Choosing music

For my trailer I think it was very important the music I used was crucial and had to fit the speech and the video. After outlining my theme and proposal I visualised in my head that the music piece was inspirational, an instrumental piece of music. Preferably a piano.

Because I didnt know any kind of this music from the top of my head I had to research on youtube some already made inspirational videos. After looking at a few I found the song Everyday by Carly Commando, instantly after hearing this I wanted to use this in my video. I really liked it and visualised in my head my proposed video clips with the speech and this song and I thought they all made a really strong connection and would work very well.

So I played the speech with the song just to explore a taste of the paces between the two to see if they fit and they fitted very well. I was very pleased and excited to start putting clips together with this song.

The song just sounds inspirational and really does fit well with the speech.

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