Sunday 27 January 2013


The brief gives us 8 famous speeches to chose from. They are:
  • Franklin D Roosevelt: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  • Winston Churchill: We shall fight them on the beaches
  • Harold Macmillan: The wind of change
  • Nelson Mandela: An ideal for which I'm prepared to die
  • Jawahharal Nahru: A tryst with destiny
  • John F Kenndy: ask not what your contry can do for you
  • Martin Luther King: I have a dream
  • Margaret Thatcher: The ladys not for turning
  • Earl Spencer: the most haunted person of the modern age
At first look of them none of them stood out for me for any inspiration. I am very unfamiliar with all these speeches. 

Kate asked the class to pair up and create a presentation on research of one of these speeches, so we could all learn about the speeches from the class mates presentations to save us researching them all individually which would be a timely process.

I paired up with Liam and we researched John F Kennedy, and in doing this I learnt a lot about him and his speech. After all the presentations I knew what speech I wanted to do. John F Kennedy's. I didnt chose him just because it was the one I had to research, I found his speech very interesting and inspiring and it has motivated me to use it for the trailer. I knew nothing about him before researching it, now after knowing it I get visualisations in my head what my trailer can potential be. 

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