Thursday 14 March 2013

Chosen focus - What causes earthquakes?

I wanted to use this as my focus because for me it was the most interesting. I think cause of how much I could potentially play with the interaction features using this as the topic due to it having a lot of diagrams and pictures influences me to use it as the focus. Now I have sorted out what content I will be using I have a quick looks at some pictures and diagrams what can influence me and what I could potentially use in my website and ibook. 

These are some examples of diagrams i could turn into animation to illustrate the diagram in a more interactive way on the iBook.

For the websites I dont want any animation I just want to focus on making it a responsive websites and as good as it can be for suiting my target audience, a unique design. My next posts will be some visual research into some websites,  I have no idea atm how I want my websites to look or to be laid out.

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