Wednesday 6 November 2013


At the start of this project I panicked. I thought wow there is not a lot of time at all, and I would need to pick an idea very quickly and work on it. I looked quite forward for doing animation because video in general is my favourite media form. I look back now and I would change so many things. First of all I would pick a song before sketching any form of idea. I found it very time consuming picking music after I had got my idea, for it to fit. Choosing music first can let you build the animation to the music, considering art styles as well to go with it. So that was one I could say mistake I will learn from.

Cause of the short time we got, I knew I had to make an idea solid and doable in the time given. So simplicity in the art style was influenced a bit from the time given. Building my animation in after effects I found was very stressful and time consuming. I had to learn how to use the program whilst building the animation in a short amount of time which was very hard. I feel looking at my animation it looks easy to make, but it was actually hard for me. My pleased levels with my animation are average to be honest. Im happy with how it looks and i'm pleased with the art style, and my outcome compared to my proposal. But I would be happier making more secondary actions in the whole animation. Like i said earlier in one of the working progress' i could add more animatics such as for example someone mowing the lawn in one of the houses. Just things like that would make it less boring, more realistic etc. But cause of the time I didn't  have enough to do these improvements. If I knew after effects better I would definitely of done it. I don't like the program due to this project. I had a lot of frustrating moments such as making the waves look like waves in the polar bear scene, I had to watch so many youtube videos to help me. Other things as well like the text at the end it took me a while to get a cloudy dissolve effect. And just in general making things move was a long process, I had to edit so many things in illustrator, add them in again and re-edit. Till I knew now you could add the illustrator file straight to after effects and live edit them.

Reviewing my animation I think my favourite part is the slow down scene when the Co2 characters get red and hot. I just like the emphasis and the synced music. When you first see the co2 characters in the scene I really like how music has an evil bass sound to go with it. I think my text at the end is really effective too, people have also told me the font and effect looks really good so im very happy with that. I think its easy to understand too whilst the animation being fun that driving cars causes consequences (global warming).

My proposal I think is very accurate to my final outcome. The moods I wanted to come across I think have been successful which was playful, fun, childish but strong and serious too. My target audience would be children but it can still appeal to adults in my opinion. The serious ironic looking message at the end is strong for anyone to consider. But younger age is targeted, and for something like this I think is really good to for children to be targeted as they will be the upcoming generation, it will be something they can learn and realise before they start driving themselves.

Overall it wasn't one of my favourite projects but its definitely learnt a lot in my designing education. If i could go back to the start of the project I know I could do a lot better.

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