Monday 18 November 2013

Technical research | Main inspiration | Instagram

The most popular photo editing app is undoubtably instagram. It is hugely popular, and especially for a young adult audience like I have.

Technical - Its so simplistic and clean and just really easy to navigate and use. The home page is so simple its just the name of the uploader you follow on top with their icon picture next to them then the photo, the likers underneath which turns to a number when there is not enough room to fit everyones username on it, the description of the photo with hash tags underneath it. Then a button to like and a button to comment.

Visual - Instagram uses just a simple white and black colour scheme like other editors. Everything is clean, Blue would be its main primary colour. its very squared and uses glow effects on the selected tabs which is nice. It uses a fine font too to keep the clean and professional look.

The Explore function is what you use to find users and hashtags on photos. A very easy way of searching for things.

The camera function which is the middle blue button to make it stand out from the rest so people know how to upload is made very simple to add pictures or videos. There is a button for a grid which is illustrated by the grid button, a switch camera view and flash button. Then theres a library icon, take picture icon and video icon. Very easy to understand just by using small icons which again keeps it clean.

The likes/comments tab illustrated by the heart icon in the speech bubble which represents likes/comments shows you what the users your following are liking or new users they have followed. The switch at the top enables you to toggle between following and news; the news page is your notification centre, it tells you when you get a like on a picture or if someone new has followed you.

The furthest to the right tab is finally your profile. You can see how many posts, followers and following you have. You can view all your photos here, you can see photos you've been tagged in and a photomap of where your photos were taken on a illustrated map of the world. 

When you have taken or selected a photo the editing of the photo is very easy, again like other photos you simply slide through the filter you want and just select it. When I make my app I will have the same simply because its the best and easiest way to navigate through. The icons simply show rotate, frame, focus and change the light of the photo. My app won't have the same features obviously or as many because i am focusing on one type of editing, Ill obviously have rotate, crop and scale but i am only having colour hue filters.

After looking at instagram in depth, this will definitely be my main source of inspiration technically. My visual style is reflecting the ethos of the brand but i can be similar in some ways to most of these apps as  most of them have the black background which is what I want.

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