Monday 18 November 2013

Research | Competitors & Tv advertising

As I have already researched Sourz, and I want to use their visual style I think it can be useful to research tv advertising and competitors of my brand just to learn the approach they use for their target audience, similar to mine or not. As I have to create a promo. Researching into advertising of video can help give some inspiration and techniques. I can also learn visual language of the brands and who they are targeting. As I have to make a 15 second promo it would be beneficial to see the kind of styles my competitors use as well as my existing brand.

Sourz tv commerical

This is another commercial for sourz, you can see the use of a dark theme with bright lights as their visual style. And they use a club to promote the drink again.

Archers Schnapps

schnapps is easily a competitor for Sourz. It has a little bit more alcohol percentage and is classed as a 'womens' drink. This advert from 11 years ago is trying to suggest archers is this golden quality drink portrayed by the dramatic entrance of this gold property what lands and this glamourus women comes out and invites young women to come drink it which symbolises the target audience. It is a more fun and social drink compared to the sourz style in my view. This ad is jokey and funny. With a fun theme. The sourz style is much more professional and serious. It mainly focus' on a high class looked bar with a upper class women audience to show that sourz is good quality drink and will not be cheap.

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